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Monday, 24 September 2018

A Good Crack at Adulting

So, it's been a while. No. Not like that. Well. Not just like that! Over four years! And let's be honest, the 2014 return was a bit of a token gesture. 

In my writing/blogging pomp six years ago (SIX YEARS!), if you'd call it that, I managed pretty much a monthly post, on top of completing an OU Creative Writing course and managing a Facebook group for like minded writey types. A lot of my blogs were either creative writing snippets or random musings. Then, well, following a change of job - back in to the career I love following a 20 month credit crunch enforced exile - I found a goldmine of excuses that were stopping me from writing.

I didn't have time.
I spent all day, most days, writing in one form or another.
I was working on something bigger than a blog.
Perhaps I lost a bit of that spark.

In the interim I was definitely missing something so I've decided it's time to make time. That and I think, seven years on from my initial musings, maybe I have a different perspective and a different outlook on life.

Yes. I'm adulting. Well, I'm trying. I bought a property, one in which I occasionally bake, read, mow the lawn, plant herbs! I have a career not just a job. My friends are all getting married, having kids, doing, you know, grown up things. OK, I'm still working on those bits! But for the most part, I'm giving it a real go. The missing step I guess, was pointed out succinctly by a taxi driver at the weekend who, until we were almost at my chosen destination, I genuinely liked! Our conversation covered a number of areas, working history (RAF, miner, taxi driver), the issues of people not paying, tips, cars, and then family, all wrapped in his warm, West Indian tones.

He'd been married four times, an old school patriarch, and asked about my own status. No, no wife. No, no girlfriend at the moment either. Children, not that I know of (standard joke in response to that question now - though best not said to anyone under the age of 18 as it brings with it complex questions that are a struggle to answer in a polite way).
"Well, you get to live the high life I bet. All that freedom" he rejoiced, "how old are you?"
"37" I replied.
"Ah, you'd best look to settle down then." came his reply.......thanks!

So I thought that, as well perhaps as the odd bit of creative writing from time to time, I may start to write a little more on just that. Being single, dating and trying my damnedest at adulting as my mid-30s lean alarmingly towards my mid-to-late 30s. We'll see how it goes.

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